羊眼天珠 3500 BC - 500 BC

羊眼天珠  3500 BC - 500 BC

羊眼板天珠(Luk Mik dZi) 3500BC – 500BC


---摘自《天珠探秘叢書》﹙1﹚〈藏傳天珠 . 源起 . 真品天珠鑑賞〉


Luk Mik dZi 3500 B.C. - 500 B.C.

There are two major Lum Mik dZi: 1) Natural Luk Mil dZi, around 5,500 years of history; 2) Etched Luk Mil dZi, around 2,500 years of history. However, Tibetans do not have this kind of classification, therefore, no matter it is natural or etched, both have the same grading. This type of third-eye culture has a long history, ancient people thought that the totem of these eyes represents 'The Sun and The Eye of God', it is an amulet which can bring good luck (please refer to Exploring Mystic dZi Series 5 (3) - The Sky and The Earth).

---Exploring Mystic dZi Series(1) -Tibetan dZi.Origination.Authentic dZi Appreciation

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